I am writing this post, because I would like know how other players dual box out even multi box effectively. Because the way in which I do it is not super great.
I started playing this game using only one account, I went through the first six months of game play like this. At some point in my level four missioing career, after my corp and alliance had faltered, my ceo procured an alt.
At the time he flew a CNR and his alt trained into a Dominix with sentries and salvagers. I was amazed at how much money he made by doing this. I had switched to the raven for about a month, before I deemed it an ineffective piece of shit. So I got a Tengu, it was amazing, although the first 2 weeks I used meta 4 launchers (Shame on me).
I began to see how boring and time consuming it was to fly from the mission system to my base system. Dock, board my Noctis, and head back to the mission system to salvage. I was inspired by my CEO to get a alt, and use the power of 2 promotion to do so cheaply. I trained my alt, Katie, into a Noctis and badger. For salvaging and mining respectively. I was now able to run level 4 missions over the weekend, and pull in about 250 million per weekend.
However, because I am using a laptop, I had to disable most of the graphics, so that there would be minimum lag. I began trading, small scale alongside my missions, and at some point I had made enough isk to stockpile 4 PLEX. Missions became tiring, at some time, I just stopped running them. Instead I began exploring, and started to raid wormholes. I used Katie in an Orca with a high-sec Tengu, wh Drake, and Buzzard. I continued this until I had made a fair sum of money.
Then I got a 2nd alt, whose name I don't mention for security reasons. The account started with one character training scanning skills up to a decent Helios scanner. Then I switched to another char, and began to max out trading skills, as I was rarely near Jita or any other trade hub. This was by far the most profitable venture. I have made billions and lost billions. Overall I enjoyed it because no loss mails, and because it fueled other operations.
I bought a wormhole, and moved Marcus, Katie and my scanning alt in. I made a lot of isk from sleepers and it was well worth it. Although the wh is being sold now, due to a low sec static sucking with our time schedule. A month before we started to close the wormhole, a got a 3rd alt, Fabio. With the goal of pvping without making my corp look like shit.
The problem I have is, I can have 3 clients running with minimal lag, on the best of days. Normally the second I open a 3rd, shit hits the fan. I had envisioned eventually being able to run a 3-4 man PVP roam, or sleeper group, however if I cant run more than 2 clients, then it falls apart.
I know a desktop might help. But on CCP's part, multi-client tools should be integrated. Such as when you have 2+ accounts in the same system, even the same grid, that it will only download the data once, and share it. Having the accounts connected in such a way would alleviate a lot of lag. Why do 3 clients have to load my POS, why not just one, and share it?
What are your suggestions and or tactics for combating multi-boxing eve?